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Thursday, March 1, 2012

"Daydream Believers & Guilty Pleasures"

     When I was growing up, "Daydream Believer" was just one of my favorite 'guilty pleasures' and I had a lot of them. It always struck me as an upbeat song about hope and happiness. I have to say I was sad to hear about Davy Jones. I always liked "The Monkees" and what Gen X member doesn't remember Davy coming to Marsha's rescue on "The Brady Bunch" ?
     As more of the actors, singers, and various artists from my youth pass on, I do feel a bit of sadness mixed with the realization that I'm getting older. I hear there's a lot of that going around.
     The one upside of getting older is that we really don't have to feel all that guilty about our favorite guilty pleasures. When I was younger I can remember saying, " I don't care what people think." I hear kids say that today. Me thinks I did protest too much. I did care what people thought back in the day just as kids do today. It seems like I can say that with more honesty as I close in on the big FIVE-O--but there are still occasions when I say it and it's just as much a lie now as it was when I was 17.
     The wisdom and shared experience of old age have helped me to see that I wasn't all that weird for liking the movie Grease or comic books or even cartoons. I've learned that many of my friends and peers felt just as I did. Geekness shared is geekness treasured.
       I just found out that my crown jewel of guilty pleasures has been a Broadway musical since 2007. I'm talking about Xanadu. I can't even tell you how many times I've been channel surfing and come across it and watched it. I'm sure I've DVRed it a half dozen times as well.
       It's awful and I usually wonder why Gene Kelly even considered being in it. I almost feel sorry for him as I watch it. It's hard to tell if the writing is worse than the acting or maybe they complement each other in such a horrible way that I have a hard time looking away.
     On the plus side, this film, that is probably considered among the worst of 1980, has 3 things going for it--Olivia Newton John, Olivia Newton John, and Olivia Newton John.
       Farrah did it for other guys, but I liked that blond Australian girl from next door. I liked her so much that I even like Twist of Fate-- another abysmal film, that's not quite as deliciously dreadful as Xanadu, but it's redeemingly revolting in its own right.
       Another reason to love Xanadu is the Electric Light Orchestra. They had a sound that was all their own. I'm honestly not sure if I like the music just because it's ELO or it's just so deliciously cheesy. You've got "Don't Walk Away", "I'm Alive", "Magic", and that dreadful finale number with the roller disco stuff, zoot suits, and God knows what. Could it be more gaudy? I love it.
     So, what are your guilty pleasures? I say we should proudly proclaim them for the execrable enjoyment they give us. I also think they're called pleasures because it's always selfishly pleasing to remember our youthful days. Thanks for stopping by.

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